Saturday, April 18, 2009

"Love Dare" Day 31

Day 31 : "Love and Marriage"
Leave. And cleave. And Dare to walk as one.
Are there issues in our marriages in which we refuse to let go????? Today's devotion really talked about that oneness God intended for our marriages and how we leave the family so to speak and become that one flesh. It also poses the question .... if you have done this great however are there things hovering in your life in which you are holding to tightly to which may be affecting that oneness. For Greg and I we really dont have an issue in this area of parents being a problem...HOWEVER in the beginning of our journey together it was a HUGE issue both his side of family and mine it nearly almost took a turn for the worst until the Lord stepped into the situation and sent a very Bold, Godly, loving Christian family into our lives in which mentored us and later became our families best all time friends. When we finally did as the Bible said it was amazing the changes were night and day and family on both sides of course were angry however they too soon came around and began to give us the space needed for a marriage to work. So for today's I was reminded just to make sure I always remember to keep that oneness alive with my mate and becareful not to let guard down and if you are holding on to any situation to tightly and it is affecting your oneness with your mate give it to God and let Him work. May God just continue to convict our hearts and restore our marriages to their fullness.
Thanks for stopping by I will not be posting tomorrow I actually only do the Love Dare Mon.-Sat. taking Sunday off for the Sabbath hence is also a reason why not yet finished with this devotion book. SO I SHALL HAVE MORE TO SHARE ON MONDAY for Day 32...................

until Next Time,
God Bless,

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My New Book I am currently reading by Favorite blog sister Ann Voskamp

My New Book I am currently reading by Favorite blog sister Ann Voskamp
Best Book of the Year This dear sister in the Lord writes with such eloquence I cant even put the book down it becomes so REAL for me the pages come to life! This is a MUST read!!

Mel and I at one of the scrapbook weekends at church!!!

Mel and I at one of the scrapbook weekends at church!!!
I love ya sis!!!

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