It Has been a while since I last posted I apologize ladies however I have been placing my time and efforts on being a wife whom builds her house up unto the Lord.
God is amazing, HE had prepared my heart at the beginning of the year to focus on my relationship with my husband and then led me to a woman's bible study for wives in which the book being done is called "CREATIVE COUNTERPART by; Linda Dillow awesome book. I have made it a point to prepare my heart and home every day upon the arrival of my husband so that he may return home to a peaceful house and a peaceful wife. Ladies I know how hard it is at times to not want to unload all the days troubles onto our husbands when they walk through the door but this is not the time nor place to be doing so. We have to remember they have worked in this dark sinful world all day with many pressures they NEED to come home to peace and unwind and be loved on and rebuilt back up not torn down by the stress of our day they have been torn down at work enough all day. Another important thing is to make yourselves presentable to your husbands first and foremost getting our hearts ready before God so we are prepared for whatever mood our husbands come home in also ladies our men DO NOT want to come home to a wife whom has not cared for herself and looks frumpy and unmade and in sweat pants with baby throw up on her lol... now ladies please do not misunderstand me I am NOT SAYING we have to look like a beauty queen everyday we will have those sweat pant days but they cant be the norm. Our husbands want to see us looking and smelling good from time to time they are in fact visual beings. Many of our husbands see the opposite sex at work dressed nice all day everyday and we NEED to give them a reason for wanting to come home and leave NO ROOM for enemy to get in there and entice them to other areas. I once had a friend ask me why do you ALWAYS dress so nice and dress up if you have no where to go I simple said because I am expecting the King to arrive in a few hours and he will not want to see a queen in sweats. My husband is thankful to me he has shared it makes him feel important and loved and he desires to come home to his wife because of that. I do have down days when I am sick or just not feeling it but the majority of the time I do my best to present myself in a way desirable to my husband and also making sure my heart attitude matches. I stop and say a prayer before I know he is about to walk through those doors and I ask God to pour love into me that I may in turn pour love into my husband. Yes there are days I can barely keep it all together but I MUST WILL to LOVE my husband and be that " Wise woman whom builds her house up and not the foolish woman whom tears it down with her own hands" Prov. 14:1
Also ladies we are home ALL day many of us and we need to make our homes presentable as well not dirty with laundry everywhere, sinks full of dishes and toys to be tripped on do a quick clean up before he enters the home as well and maybe light a candle and have kids busy with a task so they dont attack daddy upon his arrival as well. We really do set the moods and tones in our households and ladies this is so VERY IMPORTANT I have been in the opposite place and it is no fun such chaos and maddness none of us were joyful. I can say you will be blessed 10 fold if you just place God FIRST, husband SECOND, children THIRD, home FOURTH and ALL other things to follow this is not my suggestion it is GOD'S DIVINE ORDER and is given for a reason and when out of that order ladies all other things we put our hands to is done in vain ALL OTHER THINGS even being busy in our churches LISTEN CAREFULLY PLEASE I HAVE LEARNED THIS THE HARD WAY AND SEE MANY A WOMEN WHOM STILL DO NOT UNDERSTAND THIS................WORKING AND SERVING IN THE CHURCH IS NOT PUTTING GOD FIRST HE IS SPEAKING OF OUR PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM ALONE GROWING AND MATURING IN HIS WAYS , THEN HUSBANDS, THEN CHILDREN, THEN HOMES, THEN OTHER THINGS if any of these things are taking a back seat we are NOT in the perfect will of God there is pleanty of time for service in the church our home lives and especially us mother's our time with kiddo's is so fleeting and our place is in the homes caring for them period if we can find that balance great yet to often than not do I see so many of us doing doing doing and our families our getting our second best NOT GOD'S DIVINE WILL for our lives.
Father God may you give us that balance may we put nothing above you Lord Jesus may we love and respect our husbands next and then may we be strengthened to be the Godly mom's you have called us to be placing the importance on our children and the training of them not becoming overly busy with good stuff that we forsake the training of our precious children, may we tend to our homes making that a priority that our families want to be home Lord Jesus then may you help us all to find the balance with any and all outside duties may we NOT loose sight of what YOU have called us to for a time such as this. Lord may you be glorified in all we say and do and please multiply our efforts as Wives whom wish to build their homes unto You Lord. In Jesus Name I pray amen.....
Until Next Time,
In His Loving Grip,