Hello friends,
Thank you all so much for your kind words and thoughts concerning my last post on blog it means alot as I said this has been a journey for me and I am blessed to be able to be transparent and share feelings with the people who care about me. I pray your weekends are blessed beyond measure and I hope to see you all real soon!!!
In His Grip,
"Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses,let us lay aside EVERY weight, and sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus , the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross"............ Heb. 12:1-2a
"Pursue peace with all people,and holiness, without which no one will see the LORD" Heb.12:14
Welcome Friend's !! This is a blog in which I pray to Encourage Women to live authentically by being transparent, renewed, and transformed by the Word of God. Thanks for stopping by may you come away refreshed and renewed every time. God Bless
Friday, July 11, 2008
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
My Journey to Weight Loss
Good morning friends!! The Lord has pressed on my heart to share on a topic that is very hard for me however I wish to obey my King so here it goes!!!
I have felt led to share this journey I have been on concerning my weight and feel since I have been the topic of alot of conversations lately I need to share. This is out of my comfort zone so bare with me please. I have been over weight for some time after having seven children that tends to happen and because I was anorexic for so long the weight really packed on fast. This last year in a half when many months of praying my hubby and I are 100% positive there will be no more Bolt kiddo's being born (please Lord) so at that time I decided it is now time for me to take care of this temple the Lord has blessed me with. I was tired all the time, very uncomfortable, out of breath often, clothes didn't fit and physically I just felt yicky so after much prayer I found a program called "PRISM" it is a biblical based weight loss program however it is not a diet so to speak it is a change of eating habits that are suppose to stick with you for life although that to me is between you and the Lord however I did follow to the T while on the duration of the program. I needed to lose the weight that was not my normal weight you have all only seen me over weight thus is why I believe for some it has looked as if I have had a drastic change I assure you all it has been done in a healthy way. I have always struggled with this area of my life "the battle of the bulge" it is a battle I have been waging for most of my life . My earliest memories that related to my weight were back in Jr. High I was known as the to tall and to skinny girl and was liked for that so I didn't want to gain weight.
I was offered modeling jobs and instantly became anorexic thinking I would not be liked or offered any more jobs if I gained a pound. This sickness is powerful and took over my life I struggled with this all the way thru my teens and early 20's and
when I first met my husband he didn't understand at all. The thing that brought me thru was having my kiddo's and a hubby that loved me no matter what my weight was and soon after that the Lord brought me through the rest of it and I learned that true beauty and my identity is not defined by the weight on the scale.
It is defined by my relationship with my maker! Now in my early 30's I knew I wanted to be back in shape however I want to be healthy I didnt want those old sins to creep in there and cause me to stumble thus is why I chose this plan to lose weight in a healthy way one that would cause me to have accountability partners
as well as to the Lord My Maker. I have been on Prism for 2 years now only 100%
faithful on the program over the last year as well as working out 5 days a week for last year in a half now. I am now maintaining this weight and am not losing anymore and have not lost for over a month or so now (my Hubby checks daily)
just toning and wearing clothes that now fit instead of being baggy not a good look for me lol!! No in all seriousness though I am very healthy I eat three meals a day
I am just eating less portions and better food choices thats all. I feel great I have the energy I need and physically I feel much better and I have accomplished this through Prayer, eating healthy, exercise, The Lord, hubby, and a few who have held me accountable along the way. My goal was not to "GET SKINNY" MY GOAL is to be healthy to have energy to keep up with my seven kiddo's to not feel yicky everyday no matter what I was eating my goal was to take control of my eating habits so I can have the healthy temple the Lord has blessed me with and intended it to be for me which is different for EACH PERSON it is between you and your Maker. My goal to is that I can be free in this area so it doesn't trip me up anymore. I do thank you all for your interest in my life ,for your love, concern,
friendships, sisterhood, for just listening to me at times you are all a blessing .
Here are some of the scriptures that I found helpful as I was going thru my journey and will still be going thru I think our body image as women is something we will struggle with until we get our glorified bodies I cant wait Praise you Lord:
3John v.2
Psalm 139:14
Psalm 29:11
Psalm 139:23-24
Proverbs 4:25-27
these are just a few of the scriptures I hold to in this area of my walk through this journey the Lord has allowed me through obedience to let the past pass away to celebrate the new me through a life of freedom ,self-control, and positive actions
and food choices. I must say however this is my journey and everyone has a different one we all have different body types and heights and in order for us to know what is right for us I think we need to start with our Creator: Psalm 32:8
"I will instruct YOU and Teach you in the way YOU should go;I will guide you with MY eye"
Please allow the Lord to guide you in this area if you feel it is a time for you to lose weight do it because HE is leading not because others are doing the same thing.
I have to say that is where my success has been is doing it When HE has led not my
Lord I pray if anyone is thinking about going on a diet or weight loss program or is already doing one that it would be for health reasons or obedience to YOU and not because of any other reason Father may it be a plan you call them to and may you allow them to find that healthy plan and weight for their temples you have blessed them with. Father I pray you would allow the enemy to not get into any of these women's minds and trip them up I know our body image is one most of us will struggle with until the day of YOUR return so just allow us to meditate on the fact that we truly are "FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE" Father I thank you for this journey you have had me on may I stay focused and never go to old habits
I pray this in Jesus name Amen!!!!!
Ladies I thank you again for your concern and I pray that I have helped ease anyone's minds who may have been worried!
Until next time:
I have felt led to share this journey I have been on concerning my weight and feel since I have been the topic of alot of conversations lately I need to share. This is out of my comfort zone so bare with me please. I have been over weight for some time after having seven children that tends to happen and because I was anorexic for so long the weight really packed on fast. This last year in a half when many months of praying my hubby and I are 100% positive there will be no more Bolt kiddo's being born (please Lord) so at that time I decided it is now time for me to take care of this temple the Lord has blessed me with. I was tired all the time, very uncomfortable, out of breath often, clothes didn't fit and physically I just felt yicky so after much prayer I found a program called "PRISM" it is a biblical based weight loss program however it is not a diet so to speak it is a change of eating habits that are suppose to stick with you for life although that to me is between you and the Lord however I did follow to the T while on the duration of the program. I needed to lose the weight that was not my normal weight you have all only seen me over weight thus is why I believe for some it has looked as if I have had a drastic change I assure you all it has been done in a healthy way. I have always struggled with this area of my life "the battle of the bulge" it is a battle I have been waging for most of my life . My earliest memories that related to my weight were back in Jr. High I was known as the to tall and to skinny girl and was liked for that so I didn't want to gain weight.
I was offered modeling jobs and instantly became anorexic thinking I would not be liked or offered any more jobs if I gained a pound. This sickness is powerful and took over my life I struggled with this all the way thru my teens and early 20's and
when I first met my husband he didn't understand at all. The thing that brought me thru was having my kiddo's and a hubby that loved me no matter what my weight was and soon after that the Lord brought me through the rest of it and I learned that true beauty and my identity is not defined by the weight on the scale.
It is defined by my relationship with my maker! Now in my early 30's I knew I wanted to be back in shape however I want to be healthy I didnt want those old sins to creep in there and cause me to stumble thus is why I chose this plan to lose weight in a healthy way one that would cause me to have accountability partners
as well as to the Lord My Maker. I have been on Prism for 2 years now only 100%
faithful on the program over the last year as well as working out 5 days a week for last year in a half now. I am now maintaining this weight and am not losing anymore and have not lost for over a month or so now (my Hubby checks daily)
just toning and wearing clothes that now fit instead of being baggy not a good look for me lol!! No in all seriousness though I am very healthy I eat three meals a day
I am just eating less portions and better food choices thats all. I feel great I have the energy I need and physically I feel much better and I have accomplished this through Prayer, eating healthy, exercise, The Lord, hubby, and a few who have held me accountable along the way. My goal was not to "GET SKINNY" MY GOAL is to be healthy to have energy to keep up with my seven kiddo's to not feel yicky everyday no matter what I was eating my goal was to take control of my eating habits so I can have the healthy temple the Lord has blessed me with and intended it to be for me which is different for EACH PERSON it is between you and your Maker. My goal to is that I can be free in this area so it doesn't trip me up anymore. I do thank you all for your interest in my life ,for your love, concern,
friendships, sisterhood, for just listening to me at times you are all a blessing .
Here are some of the scriptures that I found helpful as I was going thru my journey and will still be going thru I think our body image as women is something we will struggle with until we get our glorified bodies I cant wait Praise you Lord:
3John v.2
Psalm 139:14
Psalm 29:11
Psalm 139:23-24
Proverbs 4:25-27
these are just a few of the scriptures I hold to in this area of my walk through this journey the Lord has allowed me through obedience to let the past pass away to celebrate the new me through a life of freedom ,self-control, and positive actions
and food choices. I must say however this is my journey and everyone has a different one we all have different body types and heights and in order for us to know what is right for us I think we need to start with our Creator: Psalm 32:8
"I will instruct YOU and Teach you in the way YOU should go;I will guide you with MY eye"
Please allow the Lord to guide you in this area if you feel it is a time for you to lose weight do it because HE is leading not because others are doing the same thing.
I have to say that is where my success has been is doing it When HE has led not my
Lord I pray if anyone is thinking about going on a diet or weight loss program or is already doing one that it would be for health reasons or obedience to YOU and not because of any other reason Father may it be a plan you call them to and may you allow them to find that healthy plan and weight for their temples you have blessed them with. Father I pray you would allow the enemy to not get into any of these women's minds and trip them up I know our body image is one most of us will struggle with until the day of YOUR return so just allow us to meditate on the fact that we truly are "FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE" Father I thank you for this journey you have had me on may I stay focused and never go to old habits
I pray this in Jesus name Amen!!!!!
Ladies I thank you again for your concern and I pray that I have helped ease anyone's minds who may have been worried!
Until next time:
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My New Book I am currently reading by Favorite blog sister Ann Voskamp
Best Book of the Year This dear sister in the Lord writes with such eloquence I cant even put the book down it becomes so REAL for me the pages come to life! This is a MUST read!!
Mel and I at one of the scrapbook weekends at church!!!
I love ya sis!!!